February 18, 2019
Room for Eight

Thermo King team uses skills to build new home for local family
Thanks to a dedicated Thermo King team, a family of seven (soon to be eight!) will be moving into a new home built specially for them. The Thermo King team organized a Habitat for Humanity build event, where they donated their time and construction skills to sheetrock the entire main floor of the family's new home.
This commitment to the local community is not new for the team — they have volunteered at build events in the Minneapolis area for more than 10 years! Art Ambaruch, Principal Engineer in Minneapolis, leads the charge, organizing six build events for Thermo King employees each year.
"It's critically important that people have reasonable cost housing solutions," said Art Ambaruch. "For this reason, I think participating with organizations like Habitat for Humanity is important. It shows our corporate commitment to the community and allows individuals to make a personal impact in local neighborhoods. I appreciate the funding Thermo King provides to the organization because it enables us to participate in a meaningful way."
Habitat for Humanity is an organization that builds and remodels homes for families in need, helping them achieve the strength, stability and independence to build a better life for themselves and for their families. The Thermo King team's decade-long partnership with the organization truly demonstrates how giving back to our local communities has become engraved in our culture.