June 1, 2014
TITAN SuperStores Keeps Reefers Grounded

MAGNUM PLUS® offers flexible cooling range, synchronized defrost cycles for maximum efficiency
Copenhagen-based TITAN Containers’ concept for a modular-designed, flexible cold storage store was born in 2010 after testing and confirming the performance of marine refrigeration units in larger cold stores (40 foot containers). The revolutionary concept includes factory constructed container-sized modules that are linked together to form a single zone cold store. The cold store is cooled by multiple container reefer units like Thermo King’s MAGNUM PLUS® that are synchronized to defrost simultaneously for optimum cooling performance. The structure can be erected anywhere and in any size configuration.
Today, TITAN’s Arctic SuperStores are growing in popularity and have extended their reach from the UK, where they were first introduced, into Europe and beyond having found homes on three different continents.
“We are working hard to add a fourth continent to our list,” said Layland Barker, managing director, TITAN Containers. “Initially, we focused on the market in Europe, which was looking for pallet compatible cold storage, something standard ISO container dimensions did not allow. Our SuperStores satisfied the need because the walls are removed, increasing the internal width dimensions to accommodate pallets. Indeed, the flexibility of the SuperStore design makes it attractive for many applications, most of which are food-related. Customers range from producers to outlets but also include pharmaceuticals and modern engineering products that are temperature sensitive.”
Because of the modular design, there is no limit to the size in which a SuperStore can be built. According to Barker, the largest to date is approximately 250 square metres with 9 x 40 foot container reefers and the smallest is 25 square metres with 2 x 20 foot container reefers; however TITAN is currently working on SuperStores up to 500 square meters. When it comes to the number of reefers needed, there is no magic formula based on size. It depends 100 percent on where the reefers are located within the structure, what the required set point is, how many doors are constructed into the design, how often the doors are open, and last but not least, the local weather norms.”
A Thermo King customer since 1988, TITAN began incorporating MAGNUM PLUS into its SuperStore offering in 2013 and already 40 percent of its stores are fitted with Thermo King technology.
“The -40 C capability makes our SuperStores more flexible today and in the future. Our general experience is that -40 C is requested more frequently, and we expect this trend to continue,” explained Barker. “Optimal temperature settings have been identified for specific products during storage to ensure long shelf life and best quality. Customers are paying attention to this.”
Defrost Synchronization a Must
Because multiple reefers are used in the SuperStore application, it is critical that defrost cycles are synchronized for efficient reefer performance.
“We worked with engineering and programming to figure out the software function needed within the MP-4000 controller, basing it on customer set-up needs,” said Per Hellerup, field service and parts manager, Thermo King Marine Solutions. “Basically, a time sequence is established so that all reefers within a SuperStore defrost simultaneously, keeping evaporator coils free of ice and allowing maximum reefer cooling efficiencies. The process takes 20-25 minutes and is generally set to run overnight or in early morning hours when door openings are limited to protect inside temperatures.”
The MAGNUM PLUS cooling capacity and its synchronized defrost option has been serving TITAN and its SuperStore customers well, in addition the technology also provides value in other ways. Specifically, the technology helps TITAN meet its environmental commitments.
“For more than 10 years, TITAN has maintained a policy of only supplying new, efficient and environmentally-conscious, refrigeration technology to our rental customers. Whilst there are still too many customers who are less aware of the environmental benefits this technology provides, we are making progress as general concern for the planet gains in popularity,” explained Barker. “The low power consumption and reduced emissions of MAGNUM PLUS, as well as its CE Compliancy in Europe are essential to helping us achieve greater environmental responsibility while customers experience lower operating costs.”
Another benefit comes on the maintenance side. Due to the high reliability marks MAGNUM PLUS has earned, repairs are minimal. “If a need arises, the technical support from Thermo King is first class. We will call on its dealer network as required, but we also have in-house reefer engineers in key markets.”
TITAN’s SuperStores were essentially an expansion of the company’s ArcticStores, which are stand-alone portable cold stores available in 10, 20 and 40 foot standard sizes. User friendly attributes are designed into both products including flat floors, internal lighting, air curtains, man trap alarm, ramp fittings, and easy opening doors. The pallet capacity and storage economics are the key differentiators. For more information on Arctic SuperStores, portable ArcticStores or any of TITAN Containers’ services, visit them at www.arcticstore.co.uk.
Customer: Titan | www.arcticstore.co.uk